Dogs can’t eat certain foods that humans can because their digestive systems and metabolisms are fundamentally different from ours. Just like we can’t eat and digest grass and hull like cows, bulls, and other cattle, dogs cant eat certain items that might be very common in your daily eating. Dogs have shorter digestive tracts than humans. This means food passes through their systems much faster. They aren’t designed to process some of the complex compounds in certain human foods. What a human can break down and absorb, a dog might not be able to, leading to build-up of toxins or digestive upset. So here are top 4 things you should never ever let your dog eat.
1. Grapes or Raisins
Grapes are incredibly toxic to your dog which could cause them kidney problems or could even kill them. Dogs can be particularly sensitive to certain compounds that humans tolerate well. Grapes and raisins are a prime example. Scientists aren’t entirely sure why they are so toxic to dogs, but they are, while humans can eat them with no ill effects.
2. Avocados
Avocados contain a toxin called persin which is safe for humans but extremely toxic for dogs. This could actually cause them severe respiratory problems.
3. Caffeine
Caffeine can actually increase their heart rate which could cause them to have a heart attack. You should absolutely never give your dog coffee. Caffeine, which is a stimulant found in coffee, is highly toxic to dogs. Even a small amount can have serious, even fatal, consequences. It may do immense strain on their cardiovascular system. It can also overstimulates the nervous system, causing tremors, seizures, restlessness, and anxiety. So keep in mind there is no “safe” amount of caffeine for a dog
4. Chocolates
Never give your dog chocolate because it is extremely hard for your dog to digest and if ingested in high doses it could actually kill them.
Chocolate contains a small amount of theobromine, a substance which is a bitter alkaloid. It stimulates the central nervous system and heart.
Now you might say that humans can easily metabolize theobromine. However, dogs process it much more slowly, and that’s how it may build up to toxic levels in their system.
In a Nutshell
So there you have it, these were the main things that are seriously bad for your puppy. Please note that dogs also can’t eat too much carbs, starch and sugar food items as they are very risky for their health.
Hey there we saw that some people are asking if dogs can eat coconut, the short answer is yes, but please go through our article on this topic Should you feed coconuts to your dog. Thanks for reading our journals.