Jelly Roll Wife Bunnie XO

Jelly Roll Wife Bunnie XO

Image Source: Bunnie XO’s Instagram

Jelly Roll Talks About His Relationship with Bunnie XO

Jelly Roll doesn’t care about anything other than what matters to him. He says he has the coolest girl, Bunnie XO. Their love is strong. Recently, Jelly Roll has been doing many podcasts, with little moments going viral. His appearance on the Rogan Experience was great for him. Jelly Roll relates to having a partner to build something with.

Jelly Roll’s career has taken off, and he believes it’s not a coincidence. He credits many people, but having someone like Bunnie behind him allows him to focus. He stopped chasing other girls and focused on Bunnie. This decision freed up his time and energy. Bunnie stands behind him completely.

Eighteen months ago, Jelly Roll told Bunnie that if they did things right, they could pave their future forever. He asked her to be patient and trust him, knowing he would be busy. Bunnie agreed without hesitation. Her unwavering support means everything to him.

Jelly Roll says you only get one chance to do things the first time. He hopes to come back around, but he knows he might be old news. He plans to talk about current events next time he’s on a podcast.

When asked if he used a pickup line on Bunnie when they first met, Jelly Roll says no. He admits he was an “asshole” and saw the situation as a problem. Bunnie had a boyfriend at the time who was aggressive, creating a lot of energy in the situation. They met under challenging circumstances.

Jelly Roll’s relationship with Bunnie XO has been a significant part of his personal and professional growth. Her support has allowed him to focus and succeed in his career.

How Jelly Roll and Bunnie XO Met and Fell in Love

Jelly Roll met Bunnie XO at an old-fashioned bar, like in a scene from 1972. He was doing a show on Fremont Street, and nobody was there to see him. People in the audience had their backs turned, having conversations. This show was in old Vegas. Jelly Roll felt an immediate attraction to Bunnie.

Bunnie and her boyfriend were just at the bar. It wasn’t a planned visit to see Jelly Roll. Bunnie’s boyfriend knew someone who worked for Jelly Roll, so they ended up there. Her boyfriend later went to jail, and Bunnie reached out to Jelly Roll. At first, Jelly Roll thought she was just being friendly.

One night, Bunnie made a bold move. She came into a room where they were all hanging out and sat on Jelly Roll’s lap. They had been friends for about a year, and Jelly Roll was surprised. Bunnie has a confident presence, and Jelly Roll realized this was serious.

They went to a bar that night, had a few drinks, and Bunnie kissed Jelly Roll. They went back to the house, and Bunnie tried to get intimate with him. Jelly Roll paused and asked her about her plans for the future. He wanted to understand her intentions before getting involved. Bunnie jokes that Jelly Roll asked her for her Five-Year Plan. Jelly Roll admits he was intimidated by her confidence and boldness.

This bold step from Bunnie marked the beginning of their romantic relationship. Their connection grew stronger, leading to a deep bond that has supported Jelly Roll in his personal and professional life

Jelly Roll’s Journey from Couch to Commitment with Bunnie XO

Jelly Roll first stayed on Bunnie XO’s couch before moving to her bedroom. He was extremely homeless at the time. If he couldn’t sleep on her couch, he would have slept in his van outside her house. Bunnie had real money, and Jelly Roll felt intimidated. He worried she would see him as less than he wanted to be.

One night, Bunnie entered the room completely naked. Jelly Roll felt surprised and told her to wait. He didn’t want to be seen as just another guy. Jelly Roll had done well for himself despite his struggles. He knew immediately that he didn’t want to play games with Bunnie.

When Bunnie crawled up on him, Jelly Roll asked her to pause. He wanted to talk first. Bunnie had probably never been rejected by a man before. She asked what was wrong with him. Jelly Roll clarified that he wanted to know what their plan was. He didn’t want to look foolish or be just a fling.

They talked for a long time, turning the night into a romantic and honest conversation. Jelly Roll wanted to know if they had a serious future together. Bunnie had already helped him pick out a bed for his daughter, and she knew he was trying to get custody of his kids. Jelly Roll wanted to understand where they stood.

They ended up having sex around seven in the morning. Despite the awkward start, they connected on a deeper level. Jelly Roll knew he loved Bunnie from the night they met at the bar. Their relationship grew stronger from that point, leading to a committed and supportive partnership.

Jelly Roll’s Honest Moments: From Whiskey Di*k to Love

Jelly Roll admitted to stalling for the whiskey penis to wear off. “Whiskey Di*k” means alcohol-related erectile dysfunction. He laughed about it, saying it was a real thing. Despite this, he still felt something special happening with Bunnie XO that night.

They spent a long time talking, sorting things out until morning. By 7:30 a.m., they finally felt ready to take the next step. Jelly Roll felt confident about their future together. He remembered feeling like they were going to be together for a long time.

Jelly Roll now has Bunnie’s face tattooed on his shoulder and her name on his body. When asked if he knew he would marry her, he replied, “For sure.” He knew they had a lot of work to do but felt good about having honest conversations. They often talked about their relationship, making plans and checking in with each other.

Their conversations covered normal stuff and long-term happiness. They discussed how to maintain happiness and treated their relationship with care. Bunnie’s insight into the entertainment industry helped too. They planned together and stayed open about their needs.

Jelly Roll appreciated Bunnie’s openness. She even brought other girls home for him, and they had an open relationship. Despite this, they are happy now, and everything worked out. Jelly Roll loves seeing clips of their moments go viral. He believes love is relatable no matter where you are in life.

Facing Their Past

Bunnie Xo was open about her past. She had a successful career as a sex worker. Jelly Roll, still building his music career, accepted her without judgment. He said on “Bertcast” that he did not fully understand her past but had no problem with it. He welcomed her as she was, knowing they both had pasts and flaws.

Life with Addiction

Jelly Roll and Bunnie Xo struggled with substance abuse early in their relationship. Jelly Roll recalls their wild times with drugs like pills and cocaine. Bunnie Xo talked about her Xanax addiction and how her mother’s support helped her overcome it.

An Impromptu Wedding

Their relationship changed during a Yelawolf and Deftones show. Jelly Roll proposed spontaneously. They married by dawn. This was Bunnie Xo’s third marriage, but she felt it was the right one. The couple’s quick decision led to a lifelong commitment.

An Open Relationship

Jelly Roll and Bunnie Xo have an open relationship. They invite others into their relationship but have rules. Bunnie Xo explained that they prefer group encounters with women only. They avoid bringing another man into the situation to keep things simple.

Parenting Challenges

Jelly Roll and Bunnie Xo gained custody of Jelly Roll’s daughter, Bailee Ann DeFord. Bunnie Xo focused on parenting, leaving her past career behind. Some parents were hesitant to let their children visit due to Bunnie Xo’s past and their lifestyle. Jelly Roll and Bunnie Xo worked hard to provide a loving environment for their daughter.

A Temporary Split

In March 2018, Jelly Roll and Bunnie Xo separated briefly. Bunnie Xo announced the split publicly. They later reunited after a trip to Vail, Colorado. Jelly Roll expressed his love and regret, ready to rebuild their relationship.

Quarantine Routine

During quarantine, Jelly Roll and Bunnie Xo’s daily routine changed. They started their days around noon. They spent more time together and adjusted to their new routine. Bunnie Xo described this period as one of adjustment and closeness.

Coping with Loss

In 2022, Jelly Roll and Bunnie Xo faced significant losses. Jelly Roll lost his nephew, and Bunnie Xo lost her mother. They supported each other through these tough times. They reflected on their journey and the importance of their relationship.

Jelly Roll’s Support

Jelly Roll supported Bunnie Xo’s decision to remove her breast implants. He went with her to every appointment and helped her through recovery. Bunnie Xo valued his support and their shared commitment to health and happiness.

Jelly Roll’s Life-Changing Decision: Marrying Bunny

Jelly Roll says marrying Bunny is one of the best decisions he has made in his life. The only other decision that might be as significant is getting custody of his daughter Bailey. He believes marrying Bunny was the biggest decision of his life. He thinks he would not have gotten custody of Bailey without her.

Initially, Jelly Roll was not scared of Bunny’s successful career. He was not worried about jealousy or heartbreak. When Jelly Roll was young, he came out on bond at 17 for a robbery case. He found a home in a local strip club. At that time, he had a few ladies who fancied him and vice versa. Jelly Roll understood that the girls danced all night and then went to Steak and Shake before going home. He kept this experience separate from his personal feelings.

Jelly Roll was asked if he dated two girls from the strip club at the same time. He confirmed that it was true. He described it as a unique situation.

He was also asked about their names. Jelly Roll said these are true stories. The names he mentioned were their stage names. The women know who they are.

The question about whether the two girls were friends with each other was answered. They were kind of friends and got along well. Jelly Roll was involved with one girl and she knew about his involvement with the other girl. The other girl worked at multiple strip clubs, but everyone was cool with it.

When asked if they ever hooked up together, Jelly Roll said no. He never had that luxury at that time.

Jelly Roll and Bunny’s Unconventional Relationship

Jelly Roll’s relationship with Bunny is anything but typical. Bunny brought a sense of luxury and excitement into his life that he had never experienced before. The first two years they were together, Bunny brought many women home. Jelly Roll found this to be unreal, and it became his new normal for a while.

The first time it happened, they were out with one of Bunny’s friends. Bunny casually invited her friend to come home with them. Jelly Roll was amazed and realized that this could be his new way of life. This continued for years as part of their relationship.

Jelly Roll admits that Bunny had to teach him a lot about these experiences. He thought he knew about sex, but Bunny’s background in the adult industry meant she had knowledge that was new to him. He was still “green as a pool table twice a square” when it came to sex compared to Bunny. Bunny’s experience in the industry sometimes intimidated him, but he appreciated how open she was about her past.

One of Bunny’s stories from her time in the strip club world stands out. She was working at a strip club when a man offered her a thousand dollars to kick him in the nuts. Bunny refused, thinking it was a perverted request. However, her homegirl saw an opportunity, walked over to the man, took the money, and kicked him in the nuts. The friend then advised Bunny to take the money next time.

Jelly Roll finds these stories fascinating, and he admires Bunny for her wild experiences. Despite Bunny’s past and the stories she shares, Jelly Roll is not jealous. Jealousy is not a trait of his. He understands that everyone has a past, and he compartmentalizes Bunny’s stories. Jelly Roll believes that men do “dude stuff” and then call their wives or best friends without mentioning it to them. For Jelly Roll, this is part of his life with Bunny.

Jelly Roll’s relationship with Bunny is unique and built on mutual understanding. They have created a life together that is both unconventional and deeply connected. 

Open Communication and Open Relationship 

In Jelly Roll’s relationship with Bunny, one unique aspect is their open and honest communication. Jelly Roll mentions that their relationship is so strong that they can talk openly about their attractions. For example, Jelly Roll feels comfortable sharing things with Bunny, like sending her Instagram profiles of women he finds attractive. This openness isn’t just one-sided, though. Jelly Roll notes that while many men might feel uncomfortable if their partner liked another man’s picture, his bond with Bunny allows them to navigate these situations without awkwardness.

Jelly Roll also shares that Bunny is his best friend. If she ever felt attracted to someone else, she would openly discuss it with him, just as a friend would. This level of honesty defines their relationship. They even had a moment during a rough patch where Bunny told Jelly Roll that if they didn’t work things out, human nature might take over. Jelly Roll respected her honesty, seeing it as part of their dynamic.

Their relationship is built on understanding and shared experiences. They met each other when they were both in a dark place, and they bonded over their dreams and plans for the future. They would talk about a Five-Year Plan, dreaming and figuring things out together. This deep connection, built on mutual support and honesty, is what makes their relationship special.

Jelly Roll also mentions how Bunny doesn’t do drugs or drink anymore, and he’s stopped using cocaine. They’ve both grown from their pasts and have come a long way together. Jelly Roll sees Bunny not just as his wife but as someone who has seen him at his lowest, and he’s seen her at her lowest too. This shared understanding and history are what make their bond so strong.

Jelly Roll Wants to Be With His Wife Bunnie XO Forever

They have been planning their future together. They regularly discuss where they want to go, the kind of house they want to live in, and how they envision their lives in the years ahead. Jelly Roll believes that planning together strengthens their bond. He finds comfort in knowing that both he and Bunny are working towards the same goals. For Jelly Roll, the future is something they will face together.

Jelly Roll advises that this kind of planning should never stop. Even at 70 years old, couples should think about where they want to vacation or retire. From day one, Jelly Roll and Bunny have shared this mindset. He recalls that on their first night together, he asked Bunny about her Five-Year Plan. By the next morning, they had actually created a plan and have been dedicated to achieving it ever since. Each year, they check in with each other to ensure they are still committed to their goals. However, this year was different. Jelly Roll told Bunny that he was no longer thinking in five-year terms. Instead, he is making forever plans for them. He is thinking about their family’s long-term future, considering Bailey’s children, and making investments with the intent of securing a lifetime together.

Jelly Roll cannot imagine being with anyone else besides Bunny. He is fully committed to her and to the life they have built. He recognizes that women like Bunny often carry a significant load in the household and he is deeply appreciative of everything she does. Over time, Jelly Roll has grown more faithful and dedicated to Bunny. He jokes that their relationship is like a genius plan where both parties benefit. Bunny still handles much of the household, and Jelly Roll is content knowing she has everything under control. He even envisions a future where they might live in a van together, while their wives continue to manage everything else.

Thinking of his past, Jelly Roll recalls a time when he was disconnected from his financial situation. He shares a humorous story, at the age of seven, a restaurant was registered or legally associated with his name, and that the restaurant had gone out of business. This situation is funny because it’s absurd for a seven-year-old to be connected to something like owning a restaurant, especially one that failed. Still Jelly Roll and Bunny have rebuilt their lives together focusing on their financial stability and planning for their future.

Jelly Roll knows that his relationship with Bunny is something extraordinary. They have built a life together based on trust, communication, and shared dreams. Whether they are planning for the next five years or the next fifty, Jelly Roll and Bunny are in it together for the long haul. Their journey is not just a love story—it is a testament to the power of partnership and mutual commitment.