I will take the ring to Mordor Speaker

The phrase “I will take the ring to Mordor” is a very famous quotation from the fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings, written by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. In the fantasy novel, Frodo Baggins, the protagonist, volunteers to take One Ring to Mordor, the only place where it can be destroyed. By destroying the ring using Mordor, he wanted to save humanity and his race from the devastating harms the ring can cause by getting into the hands of their enemies. Frodo basically shows that he is willing to take the ring to Mordor to destroy it which would be a very risky journey as his enemies will try to kill him to get the ring. He shows that he has a very keen desire to defeat the dark lord Sauron. There have been live-action movie series directed on this novel which portray his adventures and action-packed journey to Mordor with a Ring that possesses mystical powers and abilities.

Why Frodo Baggins Says He Will Take the Ring to Mordor

Frodo Baggins says he will take the One Ring to Mordor because he knows the inevitable danger it can cause if the evil people get access to it like the Dark Lord Sauron. In The Lord of the Rings, the One Ring is a dark and evil artifact designed by the dark lord Sauron. It has the power to manipulate the person who wears it and can provide unimaginable evil powers to the wielder.

In the Council of Elrond, authorities of different races and living beings discuss what to do with the Ring to avoid it getting in the wrong hands. They come to the conclusion that the only way to ensure it cannot cause harm to anyone is to destroy the Ring by melting it into the fires of Mount Doom in Mordor, where it was originally forged. By melting and destroying the ring into a mere waste, it will no longer allow the villain, the evil boss Sauron’s, to do wrong by using the evil RING. This job of traveling to the place where the ring was forged is highly dangerous, as Sauron, the villain of the story, himself lives there and Mordor is the name of his fort. It means that Frodo, who now wants to take the ring to Mordor Speaker, will have to fight with uncountable evil creatures and the army of Sauron.

In the story, Frodo is an ordinary hobbit, a small humanlike creature that lives underground. Though he is so small and weak as compared to humans, he decides to move forward and volunteers to undertake this next to impossible mission. His willingness to take this responsibility shops his courage, selflessness, and sheer willpower he carries in his little body. 

What Motivates Frodo to Undertake Such a Dangerous Mission, and How Does He Deal with the Challenges Along the Way?

Frodo Baggins has a very strong desire to keep his family and friends safe from the evil boss shown in the movie. He wants to make sure the villain never gets access to the evil ring as it can mean the end of all good people on the planet. His homeland Shire is the place his people live and he wants to protect it from all evil things like the Ring and the evil king Sauron. If the One Ring remains in the wrong hands, it could lead to the destruction of everything he holds dear and the guys know it really seriously. 

Frodo also realizes that no one else will take this responsibility in the Council of Elrond as most of them think it is almost impossible to destroy the ring at Souron’s fort Mordor. He decides to do this on his own even after knowing the dangers he will face and the task is considered almost next to impossible.

Frodo faces various enemies and has to fight with the evil soldiers throughout his journey to Mordor. The Ring itself is a constant danger as it continuously whispers dark manipulating thoughts and attempts to corrupt him. However, nothing can change the way Frodo keeps going, and he also gets supported by his loyal friend Samwise Gamgee. Samwise helps Frodo with his mission and offers unmatched companionship. His assistance provides him much needed strength, and he keeps on encouraging him to continue the mission even in hopeless situations.

Their journey to the evil fort is full of battles with creatures like the monstrous spider Shelob and running from the powerful pursuit of Sauron’s soldiers. Frodo faces danger with each step towards Mordor, and it tests his endurance and resolve to the point he never imagined. However the hobbit hero boy keeps going to fulfill the duty with sheer willpower and motivation.

Frodo’s internal struggle is now doubt causing other challenges that he faces. The Ring’s power grows stronger as he gets closer to Mordor, and it begins manipulating Frodo’s mind to the extent that he almost loses his goodness. Thankfully, he comes out with a clear win as he has incomparable love for his people. Frodo shows immense bravery by continuing despite this overwhelming temptation.

Frodo’s journey reminds us of the incredible courage and resilience that can be found within even the most physically weak people. His story is an example of the power of friendship and pure determination.