Aika and Sajo, the dreaming boy is a realist


The Dreaming Boy is a Realist is a really slow but interesting rom-com. The main guy, Sajo, has been confessing to his crush, Natsukawa, every day since they were in middle school. After getting rejected every day for so long, he finally decides to stop bothering her. Unlike a lot of other rom-coms, the main guy is actually really self-aware and is reasonably intelligent. The main flaw of the show is that the main girl, Natsukawa, is just really unlikable until around episode 11. But despite its flaws, its funny moments were really good, and I found the story to be really interesting, so I gave it an 8 out of 10. She won’t date him but also doesn’t like it when he ignores her or talks with other girls. What an annoying yet interesting story!

Hello guys! Today, we are going to start explaining a new anime called “The Dreaming Boy is a Realist.” This anime is a romantic comedy set in a school theme. So, let’s start with episode one.

Episode 1

At the beginning of the episode, we see this boy following a girl named Aika. Both of them are on their way to school, and the boy says, “Please wait, Aika!” But Aika responds, “No, stay away from me. You’re so annoying.” The boy says, “You don’t have to say such harsh words.” Aika replies, “If you weren’t so annoying, I wouldn’t behave this way.” The boy asks, “Do I really annoy you that much?” Aika confirms, “You are annoying me. Stop it now!” The boy says, “I can’t stop.” Aika then says, “Then I won’t stop either.”

Both of them arrive at school, and students are playing football on the ground. Suddenly, the football comes speeding toward the boy, and Aika looks at him. The boy just stands there as the football passes very close to him. Then, we get an introduction to the boy. He tells us, “My name is Taro Sajo. I’m an ordinary male high school student. If I have any special quality, it’s that I’m known as a stalker throughout the campus.” He continues, “And this is Aika Natsukawa. To me, she’s an almighty, perfect, beautiful girl whom God has not only gifted once but twice or thrice.” He says he has a crush on her, and that’s why it’s his dream to date her one day.

The football passed very close to him, and Aika approached him, asking, “Are you okay?” Sajo responds, “I’m fine.” Aika says, “This only happens when you follow me. Stop following me from now on.” Sajo realizes that he has been following Aika in real life, and that’s why he’s famous in school for being a stalker. Even the teachers know about it. He admits, “You’re right, Aika. I’ll do as you say.”

Sajo enters the classroom, and Aika is with her friend named Kei. Kei greets Sajo with a “Good morning” and says, “I heard you got divine punishment this morning.” Sajo responds, “Oh, yeah, that’s right.” Aika tells Kei to let it go. Today, Sajo’s behavior was different. He wasn’t bothering Aika or seeking her attention, which surprised both Aika and Kei. Kei asks Sajo, “Is something wrong? Do you have a fever?” Sajo says, “No, nothing’s wrong.” Just then, their teacher arrives and notices Sajo sitting quietly in his seat. She says, “As always, you’re very quiet in your seat.” Sajo asks, “Is that so?” The teacher replies, “It’s because you’re always following Aika,” and the whole class starts laughing.

After class, Sajo heads to the washroom, and Aika sees him approaching. She says, “I told you not to follow me.” Sajo replies, “I’m just going to the washroom.” All the students are surprised and start gossiping. Sajo heads to the washroom, and his friends pull him inside, asking, “Is something wrong? Did you two have a fight?” Sajo says, “Nothing special. It’s normal for us.” His friends comment, “Usually, Aika gets angry, but it doesn’t bother you. And I know you’ll still keep bothering her.” Sajo says, “I’m not in the mood today.” He looks in the mirror and asks, “Do I look like I still like Aika?” One of his friends grabs his collar and says, “You’re madly in love with her!” Sajo responds, “I know. I’ve loved her since I first wanted to support and promote her.” His friend says, “Even now, you’re talking about your love!” Sajo then leaves, and his friends wonder, “What did he mean by ‘support and promote’?”

The next scene shows the lunch break. Sajo gets up to leave the classroom, and Aika says, “Hey!” Sajo replies, “Did you say something?” Aika says, “No, maybe you misunderstood.” As Sajo leaves, Aika asks, “Where are you going?” He tells her, “I’m going to the cafeteria stand.” The whole class looks at him in surprise, and a student comments, “Seriously? You always say, ‘Aika, Aika, let’s eat together! Today, the bento looks delicious. Can I have a bite?'” Aika blushes and says, “If you want to go, then go quickly!” Sajo leaves, and his friends start talking, saying, “Is this okay? After being rejected so many times, he’s gone mad.”

As Sajo is about to start eating, a girl approaches him and says, “You’re Sajo, right?” Sajo tries to avoid her, saying, “You must be mistaken.” The girl insists, “There’s no way I could mistake you.” She sits down next to him, and Sajo says, “Well done, you found me. My name is Sajo.” He adds, “As a reward for finding me, I’d like to give you some red spicy ginger.” The girl declines, saying she doesn’t want it. Sajo asks, “Who are you?” The girl introduces herself as Reina Aizawa and says she’s in the class next to his. Sajo asks, “Why did you come to me?” Reina responds, “What do you think?” Sajo says, “I don’t know.” The girl laughs and leaves.

The next morning, we see Sajo with his friend in the classroom. His friend is holding him tightly, and Sajo says, “I give up!” He mentions how his pro wrestler sister bothers him in the same way, and that’s enough for him. The friend then says, “Someone’s here to see you,” and Reina Aizawa comes in, greeting him with a “Good morning.” Sajo recognizes her as the same girl from yesterday. His friend grabs his collar again and asks, “What’s the deal with this girl? Weren’t you after Aika?” Sajo responds, “Aika is everything to me.” The friend then asks, “Then who is this girl?” Sajo asks Reina, “Who do you think you are to me?” Reina, giving off a mysterious vibe, says, “Who knows?”

At that moment, Aika enters the classroom. Sajo says her name but then changes his mind, saying, “No, it’s nothing.” Aika puts her bag down and says she’s going to help in class today, so she leaves. Reina comments, “It seems they misunderstood something when they saw me.”

In the next scene, we see Aika playing volleyball, and Sajo is watching her. Aika notices him and turns her face away, which hurts Sajo. He messes up his basketball game because of it. Later, while drinking water, Kei approaches him and calls him lame. Sajo asks, “What do you want?” Kei tells him that he’s fallen into Reina Aizawa’s trap. She explains that Reina has been dating her boyfriend since the first year of middle school. Sajo says, “You’re quite the detective.” Then, the scene shifts to the classroom, where Kei continues to bother Sajo, saying that he’s been acting strange lately. She says, “I know what’s bothering you. It’s Reina Aizawa, right?” Sajo admits that’s true but says he wants to ask them a question. Before he can ask, Reina enters, calling out his name and apologizing for interrupting. Sajo asks, “What’s wrong?” Reina says she wants to talk to him. Kei asks, “So, you don’t have any business with Sajo?” Reina confirms, “No.” Kei then tells her to explain why she broke up with her ex. Reina is shocked and asks, “How do you know?” Kei boldly asks, “How can you ask me that?” Aika tries to calm Kei down, but Kei says, “It’s okay. I’m just telling the truth.” Reina, upset, says, “Stop talking about my ex like that!” and runs off. Sajo follows her but bumps into another girl and apologizes before continuing to the cafeteria stand.

At the stand, Sajo apologizes to Reina, but she says there’s no need for him to apologize. She tells him, “You know, when you’re with me, you don’t talk about Aika.” Sajo replies, “When you’re with a girl, you shouldn’t talk about other girls. I learned that from romantic experiences.” Reina asks, “Were you romantically involved?” Sajo says, “I’ve never done anything.” Reina then asks, “But you like Aika, don’t you?” Sajo responds, “How can you say that?” Reina says, “Everyone knows it.” Sajo admits, “Yes, I know that too. But I’m moving on now.” Reina is shocked. Sajo explains, “After being rejected so many times, my heart has grown cold.” Reina then reveals that her breakup was due to a misunderstanding. She just wanted to make her boyfriend jealous. She believes the breakup was due to that misunderstanding. Sajo tells her about his own experience, saying that before meeting Aika, he was badly rejected by a girl in middle school. He shares how the girl, who used to laugh and talk with him, brutally rejected him, and then her boyfriend beat him up. Aika happened to pass by, and his face accidentally collided with her chest, which led her to slap him repeatedly. That’s when he realized he was in love with her, as it was the first time someone had slapped him so harshly.

At the end of the episode, Sajo tells Reina, “I understand what you’re going through. It’s hard to move on, but you have to try.” Reina thanks him and leaves. Sajo thinks about Aika and wonders if she feels the same way.

Episode 2 

Let’s see the explanation of episode two of The Dreaming Boy is a Realist. The episode begins at school, and we learn that everyone’s seating arrangement has changed, and Aika was sitting alone. That’s why Kei says to Sajo, “You used to always bother her, didn’t you? You always followed her around, and now look, she has no one to talk to; she’s so lonely.”

Sajo realizes that this happened because of him since he always stayed close to her, which kept others away. Aside from us, there is no one in the school with whom she can talk. He stands up and says, “I will support and promote her.” Then Kei goes to Aika and says, “I was feeling lonely without you.” Meanwhile, Sajo thinks Kei was right; he had never seen Aika being friendly with anyone else. He gets up to leave when his friend grabs him by the neck and asks, “Aren’t you going to Aika?” Sajo replies, “Look who’s talking, someone who doesn’t even have a girl to follow.” His friend says, “You shouldn’t have said that,” and now Sajo had left the class and was thinking that, from Aika’s point of view, she probably didn’t want to be alone.

Then Rin appears in front of him. She is the head of the Moral and Discipline Committee. She says to Sajo, “You’re the one who scared Yuu yesterday, aren’t you?” Sajo remembers and apologizes. Rin says, “I was just joking, but why are you apologizing? You didn’t have any bad intentions.” Sajo says, “It’s true that I scared her. A good-looking boy like me can only talk to an innocent girl in a deserted place. If I had thought about it a little, I would have realized that she was trembling with fear because of me.” Rin says, “Whatever she is, she is still your senior, and normally, what you did should be appreciated.” Sajo says, “It’s comforting to hear that, so I’ll be going now.” He starts to leave, but Rin grabs his hand to stop him and says, “I need to discuss something.”

She then tells him that Yuu is a member of the Moral and Discipline Committee. She is hardworking and sincere, but she is not the only one. All the committee members are the same. They all find happiness in working, but over time, everyone is losing confidence and becoming pessimistic. Since I can’t do anything about it, I also consider myself a problem, and I want you to help my teammates. She says that she always encourages everyone, but they all say, “You’re the head, you can do it.” Sajo says, “You can’t understand their feelings like an outsider can. Normally, we don’t expect our seniors to encourage us.” Rin asks, “So what should I do?” Sajo says, “Just pat them on the back.” Rin asks, “That’s it?” Sajo says, “That’s all a junior needs from a senior.”

Now Sajo starts to leave, and Rin asks for his name. Sajo tells her his name is Yamazaki, which is actually his friend’s name. Then the scene shifts to the next morning, and we see Sajo carrying some stuff at home. His sister says, “If you drop this, I’ll never forgive you.” Then she asks, “Did you talk to Aika?” Sajo says, “We’re just classmates.” His sister says, “If you continue like this, you’ll never be popular among girls.”

Now both of them are on their way to school when they see Aika on the road. His sister takes the stuff from Sajo and says, “You should talk to her properly.” She says good morning to Aika and walks ahead, leaving Sajo to say good morning too. Aika softly replies, “Good morning,” and both head to school. As they reach the school, Kei sees Sajo and says, “So you’re here. The head of the Moral and Discipline Committee is really angry.”

Sajo goes to the classroom and sees Rin with Yuu, then he steps out again. Rin comes out and says, “You were pretending to be Yamazaki, but your actual name is Sajo.” She says, “I’ll be waiting for you in the guidance room during lunch break; come over.” Aika asks Sajo, “She was from the Moral and Discipline Committee, right? What have you done now?” Just then, a boy comes and grabs Sajo’s neck, saying, “You used my name without permission.” Sajo replies, “She’s your type.” Yamazaki melts, and Kei, still holding Sajo by the neck, asks, “How do you know Rin?” Sajo says, “It’s a long story, and I used someone else’s name.” Kei says, “Idiot, this was your chance to make a good impression on her.”

Now, in the guidance room, we see Rin, Yuu, and Sajo. Rin says, “So you’re refusing to apologize?” Sajo says, “No, I regret wasting your lunch time yesterday, so I brought this today.” Rin takes it and says, “Yuu is also here.” So Sajo offers Yuu a triangular chocolate. Yuu gets nervous, apologizes, and backs away, so Sajo gives the chocolate to Rin instead. After they finish eating, Rin asks, “Were you lying? Was it a prank, or is there a reason behind this?” Sajo says, “I thought if someone from the Moral and Discipline Committee remembered my name, it could cause me trouble, so I used my classmate’s name.” Rin says, “Doesn’t that mean you’ve put your classmate in trouble?” Sajo says, “He was happy about it.” Rin says, “A boy who isn’t happy to tell his own name—why would he be happy that his classmate used his name?” Yuu nods her head, so Sajo says, “Yuu understands this too.” Yuu says, “Maybe he was happy because you’re beautiful.” Rin says, “Now don’t start saying weird things.” She tells Sajo that using someone else’s name is not a good thing. Sajo apologizes, and as he’s about to leave, Rin stops him and says, “That wasn’t the main topic.”

She then says that Yuu was feeling bad because she rejected your offer and wants to apologize. Yuu apologizes, saying, “I get insecure around boys, but I’m trying to overcome it.” Sajo wishes her good luck and leaves. Now Kei calls out to Sajo and says, “Sajo, come here.” Sajo sees that there were a lot of students around Aika. Kei tells him, “Everyone is looking at her sister; they find her very nice.” They exchange some small talk, which we can’t hear. Then Sajo receives a message from his sister, asking him to come to the council room after school.

Now we see Sajo in the council room, and he asks, “What do you want?” His sister gives him some paperwork. Sajo says, “You’re the vice president of the council; you can ask anyone to do this.” But his sister says, “You’re good at administrative work, and besides, I haven’t told anyone that you hide your age and work a part-time job after school, so you’d better get to work quickly.” Sajo finishes the work, and his sister likes it. She tells him to come again tomorrow at 7 a.m., and she’ll buy him something in return. Meanwhile, Yuu says, “Sajo looked disappointed. Wasn’t it right for me to talk about overcoming insecurity?” Rin follows Sajo’s advice and puts her hand on Yuu’s shoulder, saying, “You’ll do it.”

Now, the next morning, Aika enters the class and sees Sajo’s bag on the desk. She makes a face and heads to her seat. A girl asks her, “Can I come to your house? I want to see your little sister.” Then Kei comes up and says, “I want to see her too.” Aika agrees. Just then, Sajo enters the class, and Kei tells him, “We’re going to Aika’s house.” Sajo says, “But I’m not on that level.” The boy says, “It’s not like her house is a prison.” Sajo asks, “Will it be okay for so many people to come?” Aika says, “I won’t let my sister come near you.” Sajo says, “I knew it.”

After school ends, Sajo starts to leave, but Aika stops him and asks, “Are you really not coming?” Just then, Rin shows up and says, “I’m taking Sajo with me. You don’t have a problem with that, do you? If you’re talking about something, I’ll wait.” Aika says, “No, it’s fine.”

They walk a little distance, and Sajo asks Rin, “What’s the matter?” Rin says, “I wanted to thank you. I followed your advice, and I was successful. But another problem has come up; Yuu was worried because she couldn’t properly explain things to you.” Sajo says, “The idea of overcoming insecurity seems like a good goal to me.” Rin says, “I want to know your real opinion.” Sajo says, “I don’t think Yuu apologized for me. I think she got upset because she revealed her insecurities.” Rin says, “You’re dissatisfied?” Sajo says, “No, I’m actually praising her.” They have some more boring conversations about Yuu, and then Rin says, “You can read people well.” Sajo says, “It’s because I used to look at just one person, but now I’ve stopped doing that.” Then he walks away.